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Thursday, June 2, 2011

side tattoos for guys

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  • gorjan
    Apr 5, 11:57 AM
    Hope this is a fake, as I absolutely loathe capacitive buttons on phones.

    I agree! My Samsung Galaxy S had capacitive buttons and you could never know if the phone had registered or not.

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  • arkitect
    Feb 18, 10:52 AM
    Notice Steve is the only guy without wine?
    He is undergoing treatment for cancer.
    What is so strange about him not drinking alcohol?

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  • eternlgladiator
    Feb 23, 03:45 PM
    oooo high as pos please. was thinking dvd screen shot but it looks pants.

    I chopped the guy out and scaled it up on photoshop to 1920x1200. It doesn't look terrible and you can't really tell there was a person in it. My photoshop skills are a little lacking since I haven't had formal training in about 3 years and am not familiar with all the new stuff it can do. Do you know how I can post a picture on the forum from my computer or do you want to email me? my macrumors name @ gmail

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  • side tattoos for guys.

  • Dhelsdon
    Jan 21, 09:44 PM
    Any Navigon users out there who have switched to street pilot, is it worth switching over?

    What do you like better or worse about it?


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  • cvaldes
    Apr 5, 09:32 AM
    I'm really sorry, but I gotta say :woosh:
    You're supposed to use smilies when you're being sarcastic on the Internet.

    This is the Worldwide Web and not all readers here are native English speakers. If you don't clue others to your sarcasm, your words will often be taken at face value. You have much to learn about effective online communication.

    Thank you.

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  • star tattoos for guys.

  • DaddyShortLegs
    Sep 25, 11:02 AM
    Um, no it doesn't Fuji S1, S2, S3 RAW Files are not supported. This camera is used by more wedding photographers than any other.

    That's a pretty big call. I don't know how accurate that is. Anybody agree, or have any data to support that?


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  • reberto
    Dec 9, 05:51 PM
    what kind of ram does it use? DDR?

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  • iZac
    Apr 5, 11:01 AM
    +1 for finally updating the capacities

    -10 for capacitive buttons


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  • kinesin
    Nov 11, 09:01 AM
    Easiest way is purchase a QuickTime Pro License, then all you have to do is control-click on the window, and it will give you a 'Save as QuickTime Movie'. Or, without QT Pro, you can still save it the movie using a more complicated method as outlined on macosxhints: http://tinyurl.com/dsmsl

    Without QTPro,

    Use firefox, rightclick 'view page info'
    select media, find link to embedded mov file, click 'save as'

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  • fixyourthinking
    Oct 26, 03:05 PM
    Only edits lossless not compressed files.

    It doesn't edit AACs or MP3s.


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  • London Lad
    Nov 26, 01:50 PM
    well.. I was a sucker hoping for an authentic kit. My wife really wanted a white iphone, and I bought this kit to convert a regular one as an x-mas gift.

    Apple has nothing to worry about. These pieces are not from Apple.. they're friggin plastic. Filing a dispute with paypal and my CC now.

    Did the add say it was from apple then ?

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  • side tattoos for guys. Tattoos+for+guys+ribs; Tattoos+for+guys+ribs. flopticalcube. Apr 23, 01:33 PM. A lot of people seem to entertain this notion that

  • Dooger
    Mar 25, 06:15 AM
    And they're taught how to spell, too. :rolleyes:

    Unless & until you've been there (and it's obvious you haven't), you may want to temper that opinion�the right to publicly express same courtesy of the poor folks serving you are so condescendingly pitiful of�with some factual knowledge. But that's the beauty of lifelong civilianhood, no need to live in the real world when there's some that do that for you.

    Carry on, shipwreck. ;)

    Yeah because in the real world if I went into another country and carpet bombed a village I wouldn't be sent to jail. And the "until you've been there" argument is BS too. Do I need to first be a paedophile before denouncing paedophilia?

    You really think that the civilians of Apple should involve themselves with an already extremely efficient killing machine? A homophobic, misogynistic one at that?

    Loving the "latte" cliches, was wondering how long it would take for someone to come up with that.


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  • e-coli
    Sep 13, 08:26 PM
    Dell a top tier vendor?

    actually, dell makes insanely great computers. their stock video cards generally aren't very good, but you can fix that easily.

    apple needs to catch up quickly. it's getting sad and pathetic. especially with the rumors that apple is just now scrambling to find someone to manufacture/replace the G5 or equivalent.

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  • itcheroni
    Apr 3, 08:43 PM
    How would one find the answer to this?
    Exactly. I'm just pointing out that it is illogical to draw the conclusion the article did about the effects of tax cuts. The fact that the economy has not improved does not prove that tax cuts were bad for the states that implemented them because we do not know how they would have fared without those cuts. And it is simply a matter of balancing the budget. If they're cutting taxes, they just need to cut enough spending to be balanced. If they expected to cut taxes, not cut spending, and have a balanced budget then stupidity, not the tax cuts, are to blame.

    The weather sucks big time in Washington state, Texas is much nicer (so I hear). A great many natives of the PNW can become real excretory orifices when they find out you are from California.

    I'm turning 30 next month and have resolved to spend 6-9 months of the each year traveling from now on. So I really just need a little studio in a chill town for me to relax from all that traveling. So tax benefits are a huge motive for me. I'm going to take a road trip to check out all the major cities once I get back from China. I don't think Texans will take it too hard on me since I'm quite laissez faire, although I will disagree with them on religious and social issues... I'll probably go where the best food and nightlife is.


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  • side tattoos for guys.

  • bella92108
    Apr 1, 01:09 PM
    After cutting my cable TV 3 months ago I've been using Netflix and haven't looked back! I considered getting Hulu Plus, but didn't see the value in it. I barely even watch Hulu free anymore (all my free episodes are expiring to Plus now). Occasionally I can't find anything "good" to watch, but it's great for watching older TV shows in HD. Been burning through Arrested Development :D

    Yuck. I used to have Netflix as I have 4 devices that stream Netflix (WDTV Live, LG Stereo, Samsung TV, TiVo - a little overmarketing, TiVo?)... and I noticed over the last year a huge drop in the decent stuff available to stream, namely anything good from TV... can't even watch seasons of CSI... Fu#$% that.

    I cancelled for total lack of anything good streamable.

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  • OllyW
    Mar 11, 03:02 PM
    I struggled for a while to think of anything I own which is made in the USA but just remembered my mountain bike has a titanium frame made in Washington (though it's Canadian branded) and forks made in California. :)


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  • Aldaris
    Apr 30, 08:34 PM
    Ordered from gamestop before 11 A.M. And got the beta key around 5:00...

    Guess what I'm gonna be doing tonight? Not getting my engineering from 443 to 450...:eek:

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  • whoodie
    Mar 11, 07:05 PM
    Willow Bend is sold out of all, except for a few Verizon models.

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  • twoodcc
    May 14, 05:30 PM
    Here is a good stat to look at, we are #52 at crunching but 58 position. Our outlook is better, but really it is just enough for keeping our spot.

    Hopefully the release of GPU3 for macs, a3 bigadv and 12 cores mac pro will help.

    yeah all of those will help. especially that new mac pro. but even then, unless we are more active on this forum, people won't join the team

    Apr 13, 02:44 AM
    The 3G graph just shows how ignorant people are when choosing between ATT and Verizon.

    ATT has the fastest 3G network
    ATT has GSM, the standard chipset around the globe

    Dropped calls and data plan are not the same thing

    All this equals that people are ignorant

    Maybe more people live in areas where Verizon has better coverage. There's a map for that, you know.

    Apr 14, 05:33 PM
    From what I understand, there are smart and creative people at MS but the company is bloated and unorganized so it is unable to really utilize its people effectively.My friend's son is a senior MS exec, and from what I know (third-hand, mind you), Microsoft has a history of hiring lots and lots of top-tier grads. From about 1990-2000, they pretty much had pick of the litter.

    Since then, Apple and Google among others have become magnets in their own right, and IBM and Oracle have also picked up their share - to name a few of the big boys.

    You're right about the bloated part too, tho' "overorganized," i.e., bureaucratic, rather than unorganized may be a better description. MS is a collection of jealous baronies where the Win, Server and Office groups can pretty much quash anything else that doesn't fit their grand schema.

    Which has resulted, e.g., in their seriously flawed efforts in the phone and "slate"/tablet markets. Including the recent "Pink"/Kin disaster.

    So a lot of the talent begins to feel misused, abused and undervalued. But there are interesting things going on with the X-Box, Sync and Surface teams, and a lot of talent and resources are being thrown into the growing (if hard to understand and manage) stable of Live (read: "cloud" and "SaaS) offerings.

    One semi-independent team is that developing Office for Mac. I've been in their advisory panel for a year or too now, and they really go out of their way to solicit feedback, suggestions, not just about Office (in some depth), but about how I use my Macs, and my attitudes about things like Office Apps on iOS devices. You get the impression they really care about their product and enjoy what they're doing.

    Yeah, yeah, they probably feed it back on ways to make Win more Mac-like, but in the long run, for all users and Apple itself, I don't necessarily see that as a bad thing.

    Both companies are going to be around for a long time, and while they overlap, they also have different missions that occupy different aspects of the whole computing "ecosystem." And both now have a common interest in not letting Google overrun key products.

    PS: If you're looking for new companies for Apple to wary about, also keep your eyes on Amazon, and yes, facebook. Both have "ideas."

    Sep 14, 11:26 AM
    MACBANDIT [B]I don't know how many of you have actually spent time on a dual ghz mac but they are blazing fast. I currently own and am using a dual ghz/DDR and this thing flys with everything.

    I agreed with you. The new dual ghz is FAST, but the noise in the hot summer day. I can use my new Powermac as heater in the winter season. :)

    This baby can heat up your room nice and warm!:) if you are looking for heater and something to compute, Apple dual is a machine to get!

    Oct 27, 05:44 PM
    This was one of the most handy little apps that I lost when OS X hit the scene. Super intuitive, super effective.

    I have Peak and Pro Tools and neither handle those simple, everyday audio needs like a SoundEdit 16 could.

    I very much think there is an audience for Soundbooth and that it will be well received. Based on my experienced with SoundEdit 16, if Soundbooth were Universal, I'd more than likely purchase... immediately.

    Apr 25, 05:50 PM
    don't have those Amazon placeholders a pretty bad reliability index?

    Yes. Amazon doesn't know anything. They are just guessing.

    That said, I'd bet money on DVD+Mac App Store being the two options. Maybe for 10.8 we'll see USB drives.

    Perhaps Family Pack edition only. Or maybe have it a premium option.

    For who? People who bought a 2011 iMac or MacBook in the first half of the year? That's a pretty small audience. It's possible Apple could offer a "premium" USB version for a bit more, but it *definitely* won't use thunderbolt.

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