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Thursday, June 2, 2011

pretty committee

pretty committee. Her Pretty Committee
  • Her Pretty Committee

  • t0rr3s
    Feb 19, 03:18 AM
    I am thinner than Steve Jobs. How long do I have left?

    You're already dead. You only appear on forums. Go run naked in the streets. No one will able to see you. ;)

    pretty committee. Today The pretty Committee are
  • Today The pretty Committee are

  • MistaBungle
    Feb 18, 02:53 PM
    I'm very glad he looks healthy in that photo. Get well Steve.

    pretty committee. Online Pretty Committee
  • Online Pretty Committee

  • GulGnu
    Jun 11, 03:17 PM
    Well, I formally switched today (my iBook arrived) - and I must say I am very impressed with the Mac. It feels like a quality build, and OS X feels better overall than Windows XP. (I think XP is a pretty good OS btw)

    I went with the iBook because it was a pretty good value notebook, especially after recent price drops here in Europe. I don't think I qualify as a Mac zealot quite yet though... We'll see how the 'book holds up in a few weeks =P


    -Stabil som fan!

    pretty committee. The Gummy Committee and Pretty
  • The Gummy Committee and Pretty

  • 62tele
    Feb 18, 08:13 PM
    Very skillful in how Jobs face and legs are hidden. Im beginning to think the newspapers are right about his condition.

    Also, pretty tasteless to dress the way he does. I'm not a fan of Obama, but if I were to meet him and sit next to him for dinner, I would respect the office enough not no dress in freakin' turtle neck.

    Jobs has ZERO class, none.

    Lack of class? You mean like a member of Congress screaming "you lie" at POTUS. I think Joe Wilson was wearing a tie and it certainly didn't impart any "class".


    pretty committee. my pretty committee. Come play along: www.pretty-committee-challenges.blogspot.com/. The photos are of my grandmother, mother, and Aunt Cindy from 1983 and
  • my pretty committee. Come play along: www.pretty-committee-challenges.blogspot.com/. The photos are of my grandmother, mother, and Aunt Cindy from 1983 and

  • Blue Fox
    Jan 5, 02:25 AM
    I wonder why the 2 plans have to be mutually exclusive. Why not download the whole database when you get it, for when you might not get coverage. And then automatically update when you do have coverage. When going somewhere, give priority updating to the current route and then download everything else. Maybe allow current route to be updated with EDGE/3G while whole database updates require Wi-Fi. Just my 2�

    That's exactly what i was thinking, makes perfect sense to me. Have a download of the standard maps, and have them update themselves as you travel.

    pretty committee. the Pretty Committee is to
  • the Pretty Committee is to

  • robinp
    Nov 6, 01:25 AM
    My old flatmate was invited by O2 to take part in a trial of this technology in a nokia phone here in london. The phone had the ability to be an Oyster card (pay for public transport), an instant pay barclay card and to read a series of tags which he was given. Not sure what they were really useful for to be honest, but I guess you could set it up to change settings depending on location.

    I think the trial was a success, so it doesn't surprise me that this would be incorporated in the iPhone.


    pretty committee. Pretty committee ( made up
  • Pretty committee ( made up

  • iphone3gs16gb
    Apr 27, 09:56 PM
    Trump's wet dream is on election night be able to say to Obama, "you're fired".


    Man I can see this happening!

    pretty committee. The Pretty Committee
  • The Pretty Committee

  • fun173
    Apr 18, 09:16 PM
    I am trading this guy a crappy guitar for it. I don't plan on using it, just wondering if it is something I could flip and make a profit. And the guitar has not been used since I was around 10 and I am pretty sure it is from Walmart.

    Don't count on making a profit off of an iMac G3. I think at most it is worth $40. Having the box and everything is a plus, but it is still a G3. With all that said I would definitley buy it and keep. I bought one a while back in box with all the original items and box for $10!!


    pretty committee. ♪Ah-dorable Pretty Committee
  • ♪Ah-dorable Pretty Committee

  • bushido
    Apr 25, 01:50 PM
    i bet u half the people wouldn't even understand how to install a OS without a physical disc, not everyone is as involved with stuff like that.

    if i were to ask my family what "mount an image" means none of them would know what i'm talking about lol

    pretty committee. Pretty Committee News
  • Pretty Committee News

  • ten-oak-druid
    Apr 12, 04:41 PM
    I'm holding off on the ipad. I really like it and I'm not waiting for some future specs. I just am not sure I have enough need for it to spend that kind of cash. I have a three year old laptop and I think I'd rather save a little more money and get a new laptop than add an ipad to my collection. And I think the needs of an ipad are not that great for me right now.

    I think if I were to buy one it would be as a gift for my parents. You know these are ideal for people in the family who do not really need a full computer but you'd like to have the ability to interact with on-line. You can set it up with your own computer and occasionally update it for them. It looks to be a lot less of a headache to manage for someone who is not tech savvy than a full computer.


    pretty committee. Rihanna Pretty Little Kitty
  • Rihanna Pretty Little Kitty

  • jsquared
    Jul 10, 03:11 PM
    I'm at the AT&T store in line right now. There are like 7 people.

    pretty committee. The Pretty Committee
  • The Pretty Committee

  • jimmyjoemccrow
    Dec 28, 11:29 PM
    No, I said and say nothing of the sort. What I said is that it sounds like the Counsumerist talked to a call center employee who didn't know what was actually going on. The Consumerist was not lying, nor was AT&T lying; the call center employee wasn't even lying...s/he was just talking out of his or her ass. Call center employees are underpaid and under-trained, and half the time I think they're just trying to BS their way through the day. It has happened many times before that a low-level employee who is not even close to the loop has said something that has to be walked back by management. Always such things become gospel and remain fodder for conspiracy theorists. This strikes me as one of those cases.

    This was the correct answer on the first page. The thread should have ended there tbh.

    Call Centre staff are given a set of answers to the most common problems that occur and they aren't paid enough to troubleshoot a problem (in fact their performance is usually judged by how many queries they can handle in a day). They will simply give the first answer they can find from their list that sounds like it answers the query.


    pretty committee. The Pretty Committee
  • The Pretty Committee

  • jwong3854
    Mar 31, 10:39 AM
    Called Frys this morning, and they have 2 Black AT&T 32GB..Got one for myself, so easy. Now I can cancel my order from apple.com

    pretty committee. the Pretty Committee#39;s got
  • the Pretty Committee#39;s got

  • daygoKid19
    May 14, 07:02 PM
    Since begining again and having lower points, I have now 2 dangerous enemies that are trying to take me out, stay away daygokid619 and Oculus, I have to admit it really is fun and I will make sure that none of you overtake me so I have recruited my iBook and old P4 to give me an extra 200ppd :eek::p

    I must say it has been fun watching the stats, accumulating points and moving up the chart. The only thing at the moment i have running is the GPU system tray client which seems to be doing pretty well by itself. Oh and by the way i will catch you one day DeSnousa.


    pretty committee. pretty committee
  • pretty committee

  • DTphonehome
    Nov 11, 06:16 PM
    That's because there is no "L" sound in Japanese, and the "R" sound is what comes closest to the English "L" sound.

    Is there something funny about that?

    Yeah, because I didn't think the stereotyped Japanese pronounciation was accurate, but there it is : )

    pretty committee. the Pretty Committee…and
  • the Pretty Committee…and

  • blow45
    Apr 14, 07:56 PM
    Based on some of the posts in this one forum, it seems that most are coming from loud mouth teens who know nothing, or just want to say something for the hell of it. Geez!

    not even teens, preteens, they are all over this place, and the amount they write here is inversely proportional to their knowledge and experience. uggghhh:eek:


    pretty committee. Pretty committee ( made up
  • Pretty committee ( made up

  • tech4all
    Nov 11, 02:55 PM
    But for not doing much Japanese (actually none), I kinda followed along quite well. :D Kinda cool seeing the ads in another language.

    pretty committee. the pretty committee. has
  • the pretty committee. has

  • EddieT
    Nov 11, 09:19 AM
    It seems these ads are almost a carbon copy of US versions which are translated into Japanese.

    Except for the first one, which is a play on words with "Mac" and "work," which when pronounced in katakana Japanese rhymes with "Mac."

    In that US version ad, the Japanese chick says the PC guy looks like a "otaku." I think "Otaku" is roughly translated to homeboy (stay-at-home guy or geek).

    Not where I grew up.


  • mauka
    Mar 24, 07:15 PM
    This is a real surprising trend for Apple products, I cannot recall such deep discounts on the "old" model of anything in the past. I have an iPad1 and was planning to sell it and get an iPad2. But the "value" of both just when south by 40% to 50%.

    What I mean is - I can't be the only one thinking if I wait until the iPad3 comes along I'll be able to grab an iPad2 for 40% off.

    I have to wonder what Apple is planning to prevent this from happening next year?

    Sep 25, 10:17 AM
    I guess apple is just trying to create a hype around a product that has not had the succes, they anticipated.

    Adobe is pushing their agenda pretty hard, so apple has to show of what they got, even if that is not aperture 2.0.

    Sep 27, 10:47 AM
    No, no, no! Don't you know, after 10.4.9 Apple has run out of numbers! It'd have to be 10.5.0!


    Couldn't resist...sorry!

    :eek: :eek: :eek:

    You're right, whatever will they doooooo??????

    Insert InvisiText� Disclaimer that I know 10.4.10 does not equal 10.5.0 here.

    Nov 28, 10:58 AM
    You could do a whois search and see where the DNS records point to and perhaps there is a Technical Contact showing the company name/address.

    In terminal - 'whois yoursite.com'

    EDIT: Ah beat to it.

    Mar 26, 05:11 PM
    It's one of those containers holding the bill. It's too black to be an iPad.

    Gizmodo says the tipster said it was a menu.

    Apr 1, 08:59 AM
    Viacom? Oh the humanity! Anyone watch it? Anyone miss it? Anyone Care?

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