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Thursday, June 23, 2011

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  • map_boiler
    07-05 12:26 PM
    I just contributed my first $100.00. Go IV!

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  • ksairi
    08-15 04:32 PM

    Due to the return of unused July numbers by consular posts abroad, and the limited amount of pending demand eligible for final processing at consular posts, it has been possible to reestablish cut-off dates in many of the Employment preference categories.

    Please link it.

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  • meera_godse
    01-31 05:23 PM
    Well excuse me, but people having queries other than the reason why this thread was started, please create a new thread.
    Sorry to say so, but my query for travel has been sidelined because of other issues.
    thanks in advance for your cooperation.

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  • pappu
    02-08 10:48 PM
    Please note that IV does not endorse this effort. We strongly advice people against being part of it for several strategic reasons. We do acknowledge that this is part of IV stated agenda and you are not going against IV in principle. But by creating a splinter group and meeting key lawmakers with whom we have worked for more than 2 years on this issue, your effort may prove to be detrimental to our hard work.

    Without going into details on this open forum, We have taken pains to develop relationships with key lawmakers to help on this issue and we seek strategic advice from our counsel and work under a strategy. By simply going forward to promote a 2 line bill your effort will not compliment IV effort. We wish it was that easy but the reality is very different. Do not assume that key lawmakers do not know this particular issue. Please wait for the right time when it is suitable to push this agenda when there is pro-immigration agenda on the table and IV will guide you for it on how to proceed. At this moment we expect the community to be united against such anti-foreign workers amendments rather than going to different directions. We have information that much more maybe planned against foreign workers in the times to come. IV is working on protecting the interests of our community members and we want everyone to be united.

    If you want to get active, the best option right now is to spread the word about IV and get every foreign worker under IV umbrella.

    If someone has any further questions or doubts, they can directly contact us.


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  • keshtwo
    08-15 05:15 PM
    wonder what that means for India-China EB2 in the October Bulletin. Will the retrogression be back to Jan 07 dates?:confused:

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  • ramus
    07-03 07:58 AM


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  • bugsbunny
    05-23 06:08 PM
    I am not jealous of computer workers, I pity their life, their overall ignorance about things around and their unwarrented arrogance.

    lol this is hilarious
    Another thing you look down on....IT workers
    Isn't your neck aching from looking down on so many people? :D hahaha
    Slow down...i am loosing count of the number of things you look down on :D

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  • alex99
    04-08 09:05 AM
    Thanks for your response BharatPremi .


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  • sanju
    02-19 02:58 PM
    Looks like lots of >5 years people here. :D
    It is my feeling that "Illegals>5 years" should not be preferred over "legals<5 years".

    really? so you mean illegals are not humans? Or just because you are not in the category, you think only you deserve to live a "respectable" "decent" life, and others should wait in line until you are satisfied. That way of looking at things is exactly the way Citizens look at green cards, people will green card look at non-green holders, people with H1/L1 look at illegals. And that behavior or way of looking at others can described in one phrase - "I'm better than you." And when rules are changed, and we can no longer subscribe t that "false" notion of "I'm better than you.", you think there is something wrong with the bill.

    What is wrong with the bill that gives everything that you want, and in addition to it, gives that "illegal alien" what he deserves, not on the grounds of a degree, which is merely a piece of paper, but on the grounds of how humans ought to treat other humans? This bill gives everything that legal skilled community wants, but idiots could not stop beating down on something being given to someone else. That's why the degree(S) that we have is nothing more than garbage, because even after acquiring these degrees, we have not acquired the KNOWLEDGE of how to treat others.

    You do what you do and I do what I do.

    One more thing, you can't do ANYTHING, other than coming to this anonymous forum and beating down the drum of righteousness, as if everything you have done is right, and others, who did no do the things the same way are somehow daemons. BULL.


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  • sunnymit
    08-02 03:34 PM
    At times we forget who we really are - Immigrants. Of course when the going gets tough, we will be the first ones to get hit. Why is that even under question? Do we expect any country to first worry about immigrants and then worry about its own citizens? I don't think so... We don't have the same rights as citizens or even GC holders, rightfully so. There are times when we will be discriminated against in the most polished way possible. For e.g. the President while giving out the TARP money to the banks mentioned that any banks receiving the loan can't hire any foreign worker (I don't remember the exact verbiage but it was something on these lines). Did people on H1s or other temporary work permits not pay taxes that consituted a portion (however small) of the TARP money handed out to the banks and car companies? So what? Some people complain about paying SS tax while they are not even eligible to receive any benefits unless they get GCs/Citizenships etc. So what?Now, all of these points can be argued in multiple ways but the bottom line is that us immigrants do have a lot of boundaries that we need to work within. Some of them are just, others aren't. Honestly, we are lucky that the govt hasn't come out with a rule yet that will send all the H1-Bs and other temporary work permit workers packing till the economy is back on its feet again. Guess what, we will all be angry about it when it happens to us, but the moment this coutnry opens the doors again to immigrants, we will be standing in the line right outisde the US embassy for new stamp.

    Why am I saying all this - just to put things in perspective. As someone rightfully said earlier, filing for your GC process is an incentive by the company just like giving out a bonus - even that has a more certainity than GC. The company can anytime decide not to fulfill its obligations towards you if its not in its best interest.

    Please believe me when I say that I am not writing this to lecture anyone about the realities of life. I have gone through the thick and thin of the immigration process just like all of you. I have spent countless hours thinking "agar aisa hoga, to phir kaisa hoga" (sounds filmy, I know) but its true. IMO, the sooner we understand the realities, the less painful it becomes for us...


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  • ronhira
    03-12 12:37 PM
    I made it very clear even in past. I am more rational kinda guy. I want to know where my money is spent at high level - no details. I know its against IV policy. So I admire what IV is doing, I appreciate donor only forum but not contributing yet. May be I am wrong being too hard to be convinced. I will think over.

    n.b.: Yes, I do follow all action items including calling and faxing. I think everybody does this so needless to mention.

    u would think..... that everyone follow action items...... then y would we be in this mess if everyone is doing what they should......

    i think greyhair, you, kumarc123 are all part of the problem...... let me re-phrase that.... u r all a disease plaguing this eb community...... everyone has their own little petty reason for not participating...... so just eat taco with u'r $25, no need to think over.... keep volunteering me for doing things for u.... i don't care much for this bickering back & forth.... so leave me alone & let me enjoy my friday....

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  • VIKAS1866
    03-19 02:13 PM
    Any new development on FBI name check process? How can one address this issue?


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  • achu
    06-10 05:53 PM
    sent email. thanks.

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  • virald
    07-18 12:34 AM


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  • ItIsNotFunny
    10-15 12:10 PM
    do that and as a backlash, the PDs will go back to 1800! after that even if u send the whole garden they won't be current again:D

    If Gandhi would have thought the same way!

    We must protest and it has to be a unified process. Last time we were really successful. It was one of the factors why they allowed everyone to file EAD - partial independence. Take it positive.

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  • ArkBird
    02-19 05:34 PM
    I wish congress spends atleast 10% of the time our fellow IVans are spending here to discuss this bill!


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  • rmscandy2006
    04-08 10:11 AM
    I think -We have to come to our senses. The law wants to treat us as slaves. Do the work and go back. They do not want to give the opportunity to have the american dream. They do not have problem with mexicans, or arabic country people, or anybody. All they want is - we do not want smart talented ones to take our white collar jobs.
    We are screwed by our Desi employers, the law. We do it for $. So it is really upto us to choose from. Money or respect.
    When I see fellow indians, at the age of 40, I feel pity. Most of us would see that they are in dilema as what to do. What they are doing is correct. They live a succumbed life.
    Choose life !! is the better option !!

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  • at0474
    12-21 07:56 PM

    According to 245(k), does it mean that "unauthorized stay" (or stay with expired I-94) of more than 1 year is wiped out if a nonimmigrant went out of the country, entered back with a new I-94 and maintained legal status ever since? He/she should not have any problems in adjusting status with 485?

    I like your insight into immigration policies and the way you express them.


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  • imconfused
    07-09 04:16 PM
    I am yet to see any legal basis in the case which states that DoS has to give notice of x days before changing the visa bulletin. All it says that they have "policy" of visa bulletin good for a month. Such policies, unless backed by legal basis, are not enforceable.

    Not a legal advice.

    legally speakn, there is a commonly term used "bad faith".. this is where DOS/USCIS falls in right now. Read the document, the y did not break any law, what they did was in "Bad Faith" ,. Cant make it clearer than this...

    02-10 10:28 AM
    Can anyone suggest hotels and/or if already booked can you post those hotel name & locations?

    Also, just a suggestion, this thread is getting complicated as far as matching donors with travelers is concerned... May be create a Google spreadsheet with all the donors (miles, accommodations) and match them with travelers from just one central location?

    02-19 08:17 AM
    What do you wish? You need gc the moment you enter the country? If anyone who stays 5 years get green card.That is excellent if legal or illegal immigrant. This is apart from 140K regular quota. This will reduce backlog substantially.

    Dude I think you are happy because you are above 5 years here and I feel good for you. For myself, I donot want green card after landing on airport, I just want GC process to be improved for people <5 years. This bill will be just a onetime measure i.e. whoever has 5 years on the day it was enacted gets GC, it is not like if I am here for 5 years even after 2 months of passing the bill i will get GC. So, in all, fight for EB GC goes on and it has to be made easier than what has been done for illegal immigrants with >5year rule. People will <5years should not have to go thru same grind. This bill directly does nothing for EB apart from 'temporarily' taking out people with >5years to decrease backlog. That will be temporary. In fact, in long term, it makes EB difficult.

    Again, people with >5years should be happy but not tell people with <5years what to do. We definately need to contact congress and Pres office to improve this bill to make it fair for legal immigrants too.

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