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Thursday, June 23, 2011

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  • srkamath
    07-12 10:31 PM
    Use of "01" instead of "10" has been common mistake by USCIS. I came across couple of such cases. This is typo error and they will fix it.

    i guess i read too much into it........

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  • khans02
    12-28 02:24 PM
    I just got my I140 approved. Waiting for 485 visa number to become avaiable. Have an offer of a better paying job in a bigger company. Can I switch Company and still carry the PD from the LC/I140 of the previous employer?
    If I can port the PD date then how much time am I losing in temrs of filing for new LC and I140?

    Thanks for quick response. I need to let the new employer know of my decision.


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  • sanju
    11-11 05:48 PM
    Wise words from a Senior Member!

    But people here are not ready for new ideas. They are dreaming that Obama will install a GC card printer and start printing once he sworn in.

    I presented an idea recently, as a temprory fix in these tough times. All I got was couple funny replys that has nothing to do with my plan. Also I got few red dots as a bonus.

    Many gave up hope I believe.

    Don't worry about the comments and the dots. I agree, things are going to get very tough in coming years.

    And, the work of every president in the modern history has been diagonally opposite to the expectation. Example, conservatives voted for Bush to ban abortion, stop illegal immigration, balance budget etc. On all these issues, he was a major upset to his supporters. Based on what I know (and don't know), I think that the expectations of most people from Obama administration are likely to dash against the rock. Specifically, people on immigration forums like this one, who feels being in the proximity of a miracle will soon realize the dangerously flawed situation. The apathy of this community will consume it. Live and learn....


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  • piyu7444
    01-30 09:24 PM
    Before I answer your questions, I have couple of them -

    Will she get paid starting Feb 1st? If no, why not. Please explain.
    Will she on unpaid leave?
    Will she still be Full Time Employee?

    Will she get paid starting Feb 1st? If no, why not. Please explain.

    She wont get paid starting Feb 1 but there is an option to get paid from Feb 1 - April 20 as she accumulated some $ when she was working and after April 20 she will be on maternity leave which will be unpaid.

    To answer why she will not get paid - she does not have a project right now and dont even plan to find one....(bad economy and no one will be willing to employ a preg. female who will need 6-8 week vacation after 2 month of hire)

    Will she on unpaid leave? Yes.

    Will she still be Full Time Employee? For the employer C which is a desi consulting firm she is a FTE but you know how the consulting business works........as long as you are on project you get your salary and the day you are not on the project you dont get a dime.


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  • karanp25
    07-14 06:41 PM
    Do you see any LUD change on your I-140 after you changed employers?

    Paper copy: Today
    Email notification: last week

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  • ingegarcia
    02-15 04:40 PM
    How is ROW getting screwed?. Look at the situation as individuals applying irrespective of country of birth. Last Year, there were 120,000(approx) applicants and only 60,000(approx) H1-b1 visas. NOW: It just happens that a lot or 60%were natives of one country. But that does not mean anything... There could be more ROW applicants who could apply, no body is stopping them. There are just not enough ROW applicants that employers can find.
    Also remember countries like India, China do not qualify for diversity visas. So an ROW applicant also has that advantage. Most people from small african countries and others qualify to apply there. China, India, Phillipines, Mexico are also backlogged in the family category. ROW has that advantage too.

    This is not true otherwise EB3 ROW would not be in 2005.


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  • alex99
    07-07 08:27 PM
    Request More Eb3 Guys To Participate......


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  • Almond
    07-05 01:44 PM
    OK, you two, I see what you're saying. So one has to pay for the right to start a new thread. In that case those who have questions will start PMing those who seem to know stuff or going offtopic in random threads.


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  • Guest007
    07-25 12:54 PM
    There is no law which ties AP and EAD to 485. So cant they allow filling of these two independent of 485, may be upon approval of 140?

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  • engineer
    06-12 11:51 AM


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  • ivdude
    01-16 05:04 PM
    I faced this pain before christmas

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  • msyedy
    06-13 11:12 AM
    Hi, Senthil and Bugmenot

    You said :They will allow some form of consulting and they may ban subcontracting in H1b.

    Now you agree that consulting will be there. So the bill have to be tweeked or else even small american companies will shut down.
    ex bearing point....

    Rule 2 of restriction - Company cannot hire 6 months before or after it has laid of a person.

    Impossible to be applied.
    (Big companies will be affected with this, small companies like CDI, ABC.. who might hire a H1-B on their pay roll but they let them go when they are not able to find a new client that they can place that person).

    Rule 3 - You have to advertise before you get an H1-B might be allowed but ignored like L1 is ignored now.

    I will show you how the merit based system have to change for EB in my next post.

    Got to go...

    I am not supporting consulting ban on h1bs. But even that happens companies will readjust by hiring permanent people. Also big consulting companies will bring more people by L1 and B1. I am working in a consulting company and they do not depend on H1bs though considerable H1bs are there.Still H1b Cap will be reached there is heavy demand for h1b. Also I do not think it is outright ban of H1Bs in consulting. They will allow some form of consulting and they may ban subcontracting in H1b. It depends on how USCIS interprets the law. I hope Congress will not do if anything is bad for country. Infact same rule is there in L1 also. But still I am seeing persons are placed in client sites.
    Of course anti immigrants are trying to block H1b program using this but congress trying this because abuses are more in consulting. When congress realizes this anytime they will remove this restriction if they find some other alternative.

    Now chances of CIR is 30% and 60% chance of statusquo for another 2 years. Even skil bill is passed seperately same restrictions will come as same Senators will be there.

    Some of abuses are
    1. Not paying bench
    2. Lower pay compared to market
    3. illegal agreements
    4. Rotation of people and using H1b for outsourcing(It is not abuse but it is not the purpose of H1b)
    5. Giving ads for recruiting only H1bs


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  • hpandey
    03-12 09:00 AM
    I have a question for Paapu and IV?

    WHAT are you all doing? you want our money and our involvement for what?


    Pappu if you cannot run this organization, please close it, but don't ask of any IV non donor to donate for the cause, I proposed to you about holding a rally, IT IS A SHAME this organization FAILED to do ANYTHING AFTER 2007.



    Just because you don't know what IV is doing and how much trouble these guys go through with meetings with lawmakers and USCIS and DOS and that too WITHOUT ANY DONATIONS. Can't you see the line on the top of the page - ZERO contributions this month. And last month - 25$.

    These guys spend their valuable time advocating our cause and you say SHAME ON YOU.

    Search your soul and you will find who really should be ashamed. I am proud of the IV CORE and although I have not contributed my time but at least contributed monetarily .

    You guys want everything if you donate . I donate knowing fully well that a few thousand dollars in donations will not make the US Congress Pass a bill giving GC to all and eliminating the backlog.

    I donate so that WE IMMIGRANTS have a VOICE and a PLATFORM so that someone will listen to us at least. Whether they act or not on it depends on them. We can't force anyone to pass a bill. The powers against us are very strong and they have millions of dollars.

    I wonder who should really be ashamed - IV CORE who works hard for us without money or you who does nothing but type on his keyboard sitting on a chair !

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  • whitecollarslave
    01-18 01:36 PM
    Talking about ID cards, wouldn't a driver's license be a proof of legal stay? With the new rules they check for immigration status before issuing a drivers license. People who are tourists or visitors will not have a US state issued drivers license.

    In my case, my driver's license is valid till my H1 validity.


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  • zen
    04-03 03:09 PM
    o.k. ..I will first tell the issues which are preventing me from doing what you say.
    whenever we/I come with ideas - some members come up with posts to attack and kill the idea. ( teli and sanju ..).

    everything seems to be tied to donations ..but do people even think before parting with their money ?(it is their money and there is a saying for such attitude). some say donate for lobbying ... how much does that cost ? how much is needed ? no info is provided.
    say we are raising 10K every month and say lobbying requires 500 K ...5 - 8 years will go just to reach that amount (by that time, some will say lobbying needs more money ) !!!

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  • Dhundhun
    09-17 07:15 PM
    Not relevent to immigration, but, It is important for us to hold job. A lot of bleeding happening in financial segment and our jobs may be at risk.

    These bailouts has been described by Professor Nouriel Roubini as "privatization of profit and socialization of losses" (http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/US_govt_spends_900b_to_take_over_failing_cos/articleshow/3495793.cms). I think communists are as "socialization of profits as well as losses".

    My couple of friends are expert in FIX (Financial Information eXchange) and were asking me to move in that area. Now, I am not sure to put it on hold or entirely shelve it. But this is just an idea, how we could be affected by this downturn and priorities can change.


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  • GCStatus
    09-17 09:15 PM
    Goldman Sachs is next. Then WaMu + there will be bank runs. It doesn't look good. We will probably see car makers in line. Home builders will be next. Dell, HP is laying off. We are totally sc----d. We have no hope of GC. We will be lucky to hold on to our jobs.:(

    Oh my God, i am screwed, end of the world, life sucks, dont know what to do, i am crying, i am bleeding, screaming, God, superpower help meeeee, save meeee

    Get a life dude, you werent born thinking america

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  • InTheMoment
    07-13 11:39 PM
    Thanks for the latest info. Would be interested to know about this change...

    I read somewhere that now all the applications - 485/EAD/AP, for one particular applicant, are adjudicated by the same officer. This is a new process change to improve efficiency. I think the article I read indicated that it was already working that way at TSC.

    Unfortunately, i don't have the link, but I will post it if i come across it.

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  • singhsa3
    03-05 06:20 PM
    We are people with certain mission and not a censorship board. Yes correct, everyone has right to express their opinion but not at the expense of the mission.
    We have now a powerful story to tell. Almost 60% of repsondent are waiting, just waiting for immigration situation to improve, before they can take any major investment decision.
    If I were a lawmaker with any softcorner for people like us , this is the story that we help him bring our issue to the frontline.

    As we speak, people like Murali are working hard to schedule the lawmaker meetings.

    Now, I see you are PD ROW, so most likely this is not as important to you as it is for us.

    I think that everybody has the right to express their opinion.

    Anything else is sensorship

    good luck to all

    09-19 12:01 PM
    Thank you. I believe that we should register legalimmigrationvoice.org (and not .com) as we are a non-profit organization.

    Can you please get that registered as well?

    I have registered this domain. If needed, please send me PM; I can initiate the transfer process. I have already added a forwarding address to the immigrationvoice.com.

    This is my from of contribution.

    07-02 09:46 AM
    Nobody is invincible or above the law here. If we have the right resource
    we could do that. Remember Pres: Clinton was impeached once.. As an organization our main problem is money. People often visit here to find a remedy for their proble, or to get some information. But the contributing members are very less. If we have right resources and right reasons we can bring anyone to their knees


    YOU PEOPLE understand first what i kept in the reply. I did not blame IV for doing other efforts..I am talking about facts about USCIS..So dont make fool us or yourself as IV or any other organization will not be able to attack USCIS..Bcoz USCIS is monarch..

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