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Thursday, October 14, 2010

Cover of Rolling Stone

I remember when I was growing up there was this song by Dr. Hook. It was called “The cover of Rolling Stone”. Anyone? Anyone?

Ever heard that one? Well I L o v e d it.
 Dr. Hook had some pretty freakin awesome songs.

Anyways, I used to get Rolling Stone magazine when I lived in California. I used to read/look thru them all the time.

I also used to collect certain ones that I thought had kickass covers that might be worth something down the road.

I always thought Rolling Stone was a pretty hip magazine.

Then for whatever reason, I just quit reading and collecting them.

Then recently I was digging thru an old boxes of shit in my garage from my younger days ( I was looking for old photos) whatever, and during my search found some old love letters (we will just save that one for another time) so as I was searching, I came across a Rolling Stone that had saved long ago. It was the Red Hot Chilie Peppers almost naked on the front mag.

Now for that time, being ½ naked on the front of a cover was a big freakin deal. I guess you have to roll with the times or you get left behind. and damn nudity sells!

So out of curiousity, I recently looked on the net to see what other wild and crazy covers for Rolling Stone there have been over the years. Here are some I found.

 So do any of YOU currently read Rolling Stone? Do you have any fav's? I would love to know.


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