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Friday, May 7, 2010

Whats Wrong with a little HEALTHY Exercise?

Exercise is good. Exercise is fun. Exercise is good. Exercise is fun. Exercise is good. Exercise is fun.

Right? WTF , No its really NOT. I mean its good but certainly not FUN.

 I remind myself these words, everyday when I force myself to go to the gym. I know that I will feel better afterwards, I always do. It’s just the getting there part that is so hard. I know that I am not the only one out there that feels this way. I do enjoy running outside with my dogs but then I feel guilty that I wasn’t in the gym lifting weights. Its an endless circle.

I can always think of a million other things I would rather like to do. Like lay on the sofa, read a book, or just watch TV. Did I say lay on the sofa? Lame right?

Powered Donuts are BAD. Powered Donuts are BAD. Powered Donuts are BAD.

I also say these words to myself everynight at 2am when I want a freakin snack. (doesn’t everyone eat a snack at 2am?) Come on I know you do. I can’t be the only freak out there.

This is why I can Sooooo related to anyone who has ever struggled with his or her weight. I am currently not over weight, nor have I ever really been over weight.

That however does not mean I don’t struggle with my own distored view of my body. I’m just obsessed.

My reason for talking about this today, is I have come to a conclusion. The conclusion is I can’t keep going the way I have been going. So I have made a decision to pick a weight that I am comfortable with and stop the constant obsessing about my looks. It is just not healthy.

I know for me it is mostly a control issue. AS it is for most people who have or have ever had an eating disorder. I know mine is due to my health issues. My weight is the one thing I can control in my life.

While I have never been a calorie counter or ever joined any of the weight loss programs. I am however always looking for a quick and easy weight loss method, just like everyone else.

Plus I am pretty sure I heard some where that sex is a great form of exercise, so does that mean I can give up at least one day at the gym?

So if anyone out there has any sane advice,
 I’m all ears.

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