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Friday, November 5, 2010

KittyCat- On location downtown

I wrote about this awhile ago.
Was saving it for a
So today I am on location downtown, helping my tattoo girl move into her new place.

So I will leave you with this subject to think about.
Enjoy! and don't forget to report back.

Now while this is one of MY favorite postions.
For such obvious reasons. 
I know It's not everyones.
Why the hell doesn't everyone love it? I just don't know.
You wanna know why it’s my fav?
Let me just share with you why.
I am a super control freak.
What better way to be in CONTROL. Than being on top!
If you guessed something else, shame on you.
No not really. Just teasin.
Really I do  l o v e  it for many many other reasons.
But I just won't be sharing those details with you today. Soooo sorry.
Surprised to hear It’s not only a guys favorite position?
Women can and do love it to.
Now while I am a big fan of the “cowgirl” position, I am
NOT , let me repeat for those who did not hear me, I am NOT  a big fan of reverse cowgirl. 

In my opinion reverse does not leave my thighs looking in a favorable light. Or my ass either. 
In my opinion, just not a good view of either.
I mean really who looks good in this position?
Someone extremely twiggy?
Good for you, if your one of those people.
And why do men like this position?
Is it a womans back/ ass being spread out wide?
Do you see this as a nice view? Seriously! I disagree.
Key word WIDE. Just doesn't do it for me.
Maybe I need to go back and read more in my Super Sex Book?  Cause I don't get it.
So I will open it up today for discussion or comment.
On what’s the fav and why.
This is not all about being d i r t y. It's about Fav's.
I don’t need details. Just on which one and why.
This is more about research people. Hello!
Seriously, so be a friend
and help a gal out.
What is yours?

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