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Wednesday, October 28, 2009

"One Night Stand" Mini Comic

David Hopkins is at it again. He's putting together another mini comic, like "Mine All Mine", with a ton of different artists and I'm doing it again as well. Participating that is. This is a teaser image of my page, why give away the whole thing? Buy the book!

I'll let David tell you about the project himself...

Diamond Comic Distributors will not ship any new comic books for the week of December 30th. There's been some talk about reserving that week for independent creators to provide original material for our favorite comic shops.

A year ago, I created a project called MINE ALL MINE. The mini-comic was a series of one page vignettes -- about thieves, crooks, scoundrels, con artists, etc. Each page, a different artist, written and arranged by me, all about stealing stuff.

I'd like to do a similar comic book to be released on December 30th. It's going to be called ONE NIGHT STAND. Stories about "casual encounters." The stories won't all be overtly sexual or explicit. Like MINE ALL MINE, I'm working with a broad definition. This mini-comic will explore sex and intimacy, guilt and anonymity, risk and fantasy. Lovely stuff.

I want to use this ONE NIGHT STAND concept as an opportunity to grow as a storyteller. I'd like to work with people who are experienced comic book artists, but also talented artists who have never attempted a comic before. It's only a one page commitment (hence "One Night Stand"), and should be a good opportunity to try something new.

You can help David out by donating to the cause...

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