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Monday, March 21, 2011

DVR from hell

What was my life like prior to my “DVR”?
I can't hardly remember.
Which I might mention was around the same time as I joined FB. (last year)
Pre- DVR.
I do know that  back then I used to only watch shows if I happened to be home, and with soccer that wasn’t very often.  Now I know you can re watch shows on the net but, I didn’t have a good laptop back then. 

 So that wasn’t an option.
I missed a lot of shows.
I would come to work and the girls would talk about all these new shows and I wouldn’t have a freakin clue.
That was ok, cause then my evenings were free.
Now, the present day and time I have so many freakin shows taped on my dvr that I don’t have enough time to watch them all.
Then you add writing for my blog. NO TIME!
Theres something seriously wrong with that.
Wouldn’t you agree?
Currently I have,  on any given night 5 shows I record.  Yes, pathetic I know.
So that means by Friday I have a total of around 30 shows to watch.  That’s if I havent watched any of the shows “real time”.
On top of that I record General Hospital every day.
Thank goodness spring is coming soon, cause I need to get back out and run (no more tread mill) and stop watching so much TV.
I'm even thinking about turning back in my DVR, come spring.
I don’t need to watch all these shows.  Its just when its so freakin cold out side its hard to want to do anything else but put on my jammies and sit and watch TV.
I just need to put down the remote. 
Are any of you like that?

Too much TV watchin.

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