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Wednesday, June 1, 2011

birthday quotes brother

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  • Liquorpuki
    Apr 8, 07:19 PM
    The argument is using Tax Dollars to pay for the abortions as it is forbidden by Federal Law for Planned Parenthood to use the funding in that way...of course they have found ways around it, which is the cause for concern..Me personally, I am on the fence on the entire issue as I am not a woman. That stated, I don't believe abortions should be used as a birth control device either....

    Using that logic, military funding is supposed to pay for troops and operations but I'm sure they've found ways around it. Business subsidies are supposed to catalyze business but I'm sure it's being abused as well. So just like Rep Jim Jordan, I'm not going bother providing any evidence of corruption - I'll just throw out a platitude like "money is fungible," argue we should cut off funding, and act like people who don't agree with me are idiots.

    Meanwhile, there's no actual proof that Planned Parenthood is funding abortions with taxdollars. But I guess that's not important.

    And in the bigger picture, all this abortion debate being pushed by the Republicans ignores the fact that the topic of abortion is a totally marginal to what Planned Parenthood does. I'm a guy and I used Planned Parenthood in my early 20's for STD testing. My girlfriend used Planned Parenthood for pap smears and once, after she went in with a UTI, they were able to diagnose she had HPV and give her a treatment plan.

    I really can't understand why most of the GOP doesn't see value in a social service that provides education, counseling, diagnosis and treatment when this is all blatantly obvious to anyone who's ever walked into a Planned Parenthood waiting room. Maybe they don't get laid enough to care.

    On that note, I respect Scott Brown a lot more now.

    birthday quotes brother. It#39;s my poor rother-in-law#39;s
  • It#39;s my poor rother-in-law#39;s

  • bobber205
    Apr 5, 02:52 PM
    Here's the gist of the problem: too generous state worker union pensions. I wouldn't be surprised that these pensions are extensively re-done to drastically cut its cost in order to reduce state budget deficits.

    You are completely, either willfully or not, ignorant of the situation in Wisconsin.

    Remember, they had a surplus until their Governor decided to give big business a tax cut almost identical to the "Deficit" they're not facing. :mad:

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  • Keleko
    Mar 4, 09:06 AM
    The high vantage point and the stuffed animals on the table really make this shot. It's a picture with contrasts on many levels: white/black, obese/gaunt, tough/cuddly, nonconformist/mainstream, just to name a few. Very nice address to the theme, Keleko.

    I would probably crop in tighter, since the empty chair and so much railing is not adding anything to the image. You could come in at the top, left, and right, and get us that much closer to this eccentric couple.

    I completely agree about the similarities making a nice counterpoint to the differences. I probably wouldn't call this one a "literal interpretation" of contrast, though, since it goes so far beyond just being dark versus light. (I guess I think of contrast at its most basic as involving tonality.)

    I agree with the crop. I'm not sure why I didn't think of it or do it before. I remember feeling the same way but then ignoring myself. :)

    This is a "quick and dirty" crop using the crop tools in flickr. I would like more room on the right for the table. This is cropped to the edge of the empty chair, so to do a bit more room I'll have to erase the part of the chair that shows. I may try that when I have more time.

    http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5219/5497165546_28b1c933ff_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/22077805@N07/5497165546/)

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  • Flying Llama
    May 27, 11:26 PM
    Wow, I absolutely love this widget, just a little positive criticizing. ;)

    Where you click the three dots on the bottom to expand it, you have to go down to the bottom of the widget to close it back. Anyway of keeping it were it is, so you can quickly click, look, close back. This functionality would be similar to the weather widget.

    And for the actual design, I know you stated that you didn't like it and are planning to change it, make sure you make it nice and "aquafied", like the apple widgets. If you don't think you're too good at that there are always design pros here that i'm sure would be willing to help. :)

    But nevertheless I love this, I know this is just the early beta stage, but I have confidence this will be one of my favorite widgets. Also, have you thought of making a modified version which can join any team, and then submit it to Dashboard Widgets.com (http://www.dashboardwidgets.com/) , you could win a Mac mini! :D (by the way I am in no way associated with these guys)

    EDIT: Woops was just reading MacBytes and noticed that voting has started and the contest is over at dashboardwidgets.com .... :o


    birthday quotes brother. happy irthday quotes for
  • happy irthday quotes for

  • iJohnHenry
    Apr 8, 05:21 PM
    That's clever there, that is. ;)

    :o I suspect it's an age-related affliction. Curses.

    birthday quotes brother. happy irthday quotes for
  • happy irthday quotes for

  • Surely
    Apr 27, 10:50 PM
    After listening to the sound bite of Trump asking for both Obama's birth certificate and college records, he strikes me as a political opportunist grasping for straws or he is a raciest.

    He can be both, can't he?


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  • funny irthday quotes for

  • ZildjianKX
    Oct 26, 01:09 PM
    I can understand why they are doing this. This is a new product and there is no preexisting PPC version out there. It almost seems like a waste of development time since a good portion of the customer base who would be purchasing this will have an Intel mac by mid-2007.

    Still sucks for the quad G5 mac owners. Now I'm just waiting for the first Intel-only mac game to come out, lol.

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  • Little Brother Who In Iraq

  • innominato5090
    Mar 17, 05:00 AM
    here in italy it costs 1.564�/l, which means 8.25$/US gallon. shocking, uh?


    birthday quotes brother. Happy Birthday Quotes For
  • Happy Birthday Quotes For

  • bishopduke
    Oct 26, 12:54 PM
    I used Cool Edit a lot in college to do radio drops etc. I loved it. It was really just a wav editor. Then Adobe bought it, and I haven't used it since. Although It seems they kept true to the heart of the software. I still prefer what is now called Adobe Audition over Soundtrack. Although, they really are pretty different.

    birthday quotes brother. Happy Birthday Quotes For
  • Happy Birthday Quotes For

  • foneschlomo
    Aug 14, 03:37 PM
    These brands do not have to overtly say that they are superior to a Kia, because that is accepted by most people. The average person invests more time thinking about cars, houses and clothing than they do about computers- face it, we're geeks. Apple is attempting to create, for themselves, a premium image that goes beyond people who are invested heavily in this kind of decision. Similar to when premium beers started hitting the market, or premium mens skin care products. Many people will tell you they prefer sam adams, though if pressed to tell you why it is better, many couldnt come up with good reasons (maybe taste). Same with Skin Care. I dont use the store brand stuff anymore, but I coudlnt tell you why the brand I use is really better- I know little about that stuff, so I have to go based on product claims. Most people arent that sensitive that they are going to cry when a commercial implies their purchase isnt as cool as someone elses.

    Beer commercials do frequently point out that their competitors beers are crap- in a crowded market, you have to give customers hueristics. Computers are something that people put research into, but generally do not even understand what all of those things mean- trust me, I've been involved in many computer purchases for relatives and friends.


    birthday quotes brother. Birthday Quotes For A Brother.
  • Birthday Quotes For A Brother.

  • aiqw9182
    Apr 5, 11:36 PM
    It certainly isn't useless, it's designed so you can get high-quality stereo audio through it. You can't do that with a mic socket, the power in the socket for the mic can affect the sound quality, it causes a buzz. If you want high quality audio get a USB headset or a USB/FW microphone preamp. For the majority the iPhone headphones/mic or the built-in mic work just fine. Why do you need support for PC-style headsets?

    Anyone doing serious recording through a 1/8 jack needs their head examined. The jack is useless in its current state. Why do I need support for 'PC style' headsets? Well for one there are a ton of new high quality headsets I could choose from and for two I could have a free USB port. The headphones that support the audio out microphone capability are either expensive as hell or not good for long periods of time.

    birthday quotes brother. irthday quotes for rother.
  • irthday quotes for rother.

  • BlindSoul
    Apr 15, 02:13 PM


    birthday quotes brother. happy irthday quotes for rother. Birthday Quotes Comments and; Birthday Quotes Comments and. Azathoth. May 2, 10:51 AM
  • happy irthday quotes for rother. Birthday Quotes Comments and; Birthday Quotes Comments and. Azathoth. May 2, 10:51 AM

  • itcheroni
    Apr 4, 05:16 AM
    However, both the OP and citizenzen's posts show that lowering a state's tax rate doesn't guarantee either high-income for its citizens or create high tax receipts.

    This is a common refrain from conservatives who will often reference the Laffer Curve and will argue that if only a state lowered its taxes, more money would become available.

    I wasn't making that argument so I guess I was confused why it was brought up. I've only been making an argument that the article can't conclude cutting taxes resulted in the budget problem. A state may have cut taxes and their economy might not have improved since cutting taxes, but the author of the article needs to fill in the gap and explain why there is a correlation/causation. I propose that you could run a state with some income tax or no income tax if the budget was made competently. So, IMO, cutting taxes does not, in and of itself, mean it has caused a budget shortfall. I personally think cutting taxes does help the economy but that's not what is at issue here.

    I have only a general understanding of the theories those guys you mentioned are famous for. I think Austrian economics make much more sense. A theory of how to get the maximum tax dollars out of the people is irrelevant to me. It's like studying how much blood you can drain from people while keeping them alive. My preferred income tax rate is 0.

    You understand that you're probably unique in your circumstances.

    I wouldn't have believed it 3 years ago but now I can say from experience that anyone can do it if that's what they want to do. It's all a matter of hard work and willingness to live cheaply. The only thing that might tie you down is a family. I live for traveling so I've just worked my life to be able to do what I like. 3 years ago I was a law school dropout with no prospects and a monthly loan repayment of $1100. The highest paying job I qualified for was tutoring.

    birthday quotes brother. happy irthday quotes for
  • happy irthday quotes for

  • fupresti
    Apr 12, 04:47 PM
    Requests from our employees has been 80% Verizon - 20% AT&T.


    birthday quotes brother. happy irthday quotes for rother. Funny Birthday Quotes. Funny Birthday Quotes. gorgeousninja. Apr 9, 06:36 AM
  • happy irthday quotes for rother. Funny Birthday Quotes. Funny Birthday Quotes. gorgeousninja. Apr 9, 06:36 AM

  • redeye be
    May 25, 12:20 PM
    Here (http://forums.macrumors.com/showthread.php?p=1480891#post1480891), now don't go around saying I never do anything for you :D.

    I was actually going to post that before I even read your request, but I figured for sure someone would beat me to it.
    Darned, shouldn't have asked.
    But thx, You rock dude! :D

    birthday quotes brother. happy irthday quotes for rother. Happy Birthday Quotes For Best; Happy Birthday Quotes For Best. BornAgainMac. Apr 13, 04:40 AM
  • happy irthday quotes for rother. Happy Birthday Quotes For Best; Happy Birthday Quotes For Best. BornAgainMac. Apr 13, 04:40 AM

  • 0815
    Apr 12, 12:50 PM
    When I check for updates in outlook it tells me 'no updates available' ... oh well, downloading it now directly from the webpage linked in the article.

    don't care

    page and keynote still rock

    Why do you than bother reading the article and spend the extra time commenting on it :confused: :confused: :confused:

    A little off topic, but question for those who need Office software, and also run Parallels/Fusion: Do you prefer Office For Mac, or do you prefer to run "regular" Office in Parallels/Fusion? Thanks.

    I prefer running it on the Mac - main reason: I don't run Parallels all the time - only when I have to develop windows stuff, otherwise it's always turned off (less used memory)


    birthday quotes brother. happy irthday quotes for rother. Birthday sayings help you add; Birthday sayings help you add. blubyu. Apr 20, 05:28 PM
  • happy irthday quotes for rother. Birthday sayings help you add; Birthday sayings help you add. blubyu. Apr 20, 05:28 PM

  • MacFanJeff
    Apr 1, 09:20 AM
    Not surpising at all. It's all about control of content and money.

    All studios, rather music or movie have always hated the idea of selling content even though it makes them a ton of money. If they could do away with all of it, including DVD sells, they would. What they truly want is for you to pay a fee every time you want to view or listen to content and you never "own" anything period. Nothing physical at all to buy, just pay for it every time you view or listen.

    birthday quotes brother. happy irthday quotes for rother. for happy irthday quotes; for happy irthday quotes. lazyrighteye. Sep 20, 08:31 AM. Sounds like a very cool device.
  • happy irthday quotes for rother. for happy irthday quotes; for happy irthday quotes. lazyrighteye. Sep 20, 08:31 AM. Sounds like a very cool device.

  • SwiftLives
    Apr 8, 12:51 PM
    I say its time we overthrow the republicans and democrats and start a party which is ANTI-CORPORATIONS and is for the people and by the people.. Who's with me?

    And that will last until the new party gets its first corporate donation...

    Not that I'm a cynic.

    And what's with this rhetoric? "overthrow"? Really? And you do realize you just Goodwin-ed this discussion...

    birthday quotes brother. happy irthday quotes for
  • happy irthday quotes for

  • greendragon
    Oct 9, 03:08 PM
    Ah shut up you bastards...

    walmart, target, YOU SUCK!!!

    Mar 1, 11:01 PM
    Just looking at the ''Server Admin' screenshots posted, i noticed that in the list of Services, both AFP and NFS are missing. Is File Sharing managed somewhere else in Lion?

    This seems to be all i can find and its in the server app.
    I did think i saw something in server admin but after checking it again i seem to be wrong.

    Jan 6, 03:34 PM
    so then how will it work exactly when i turn all the PN's on? Will i get alerts in the form of a text message? or will it have a little number in the corner of the app??

    It's a sound, "text message" box, and "badge" (a little number on the icon for the app). Or any combination that you choose.

    It is not a traditional text message. It won't show up in your SMS, and you don't have to delete it. It's just a notification.

    Mar 10, 08:15 AM
    http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5082/5258900474_266e7d179b_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/69707513@N00/5258900474/)

    I like the "feel" of this picture and the muted soft colors. It gives me a sense of peace and solitude. I would have liked the horse more to the left of the frame with more space to the right where he/she is looking. Great capture overall.

    Mar 8, 12:14 PM
    My vote is for smugmug :)

    Dec 16, 05:33 PM
    You're missing the point. Firstly, like I said before, the Christmas no.1 is decided by what's most popular at the time! If that's X-Factor then so be it. People won't buy it if they don't like it or don't care! They buy it to support the artist, or because they do like it (exactly the same reasons that people buy any artist's music). If the song came out in the middle of August I'm willing to bet it would get similar results (minus the obvious increase in sales of all artists due to xMas presents etc.).

    I don't understand why we are trying to fake the Christmas no.1! Simon Cowell is an excellent business man and he runs a very successful record label. I honestly just think you're all bitter and jealous!

    I think your missing the point.

    Some of us are bored of the X factor and Simon Cowell. This is some fun to put a bit of unpredictability in to something that was almost certainty.

    I haven't bought the single, though do like Rage Against the Machine but can understand why they want to do this.

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