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Monday, April 4, 2011

History of Kittycat Empties

This post is really about photos. I got this idea from a wonderful fellow blogger.
Of all the kickass bras that I can not wear anymore, due to my small tits.
Ok, I know for men this post will not be all that exciting, ok so maybe even for the female readers it might not be all that entertaining.
But it is such a waste of money and well quite frankly fabric to just have these beauties sitting in my drawer with the possibility of  slim to none that they will ever get worn again.
At least not in the near future.

So I share with you the “empties”.
Ahhhhhhhhhhh, aren't they just magnificent!
Too bad you can’t feel the material. They were all awesome to wear o n c e.
Now all I have are these. This is what is left.
Just the itty bitty titty bras.

It this or the a sports bra. Kinda gotta laugh about it all. I feel like the photo actually makes them look bigger than they really are.

Having to give up the boobs for the muscles. Oh well. I guess I'm ok with it after all.

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