You heard me, Colonel Tigh is gonna be here. Go meet him, maybe offer him a frakkin' swig from a flask. Or just come out and see me if you want. No one will judge you. Where you ask? Well, at the Sci Fi Expo of course.
April 18-19, 2009
Saturday 11:00 am-6:00 pm, Sunday 12 noon-4:00 pm.
Richardson Civic Center
411 W Arapaho Rd Richardson, TX
Media Guests include:
Michael Hogan - Battlestar Galactica: Colonel Saul Tigh,
Mark Sheppard - Battlestar Galactica: Romo Lampkin, Dollhouse: Tanaka, 24: Ivan Erwich, Firefly: Badger,
Bill Mumy - Lost In Space - Will Robinson, Babylon 5 - Lennier, Star Trek DS9, Twilight Zone the movie
Tony Todd - 24 - General Benjamin Juma, Stargate SG-1, Chuck, Star Trek TNG, Voyager, & DS9, Night of the Living Dead
Adrienne Wilkinson - Star Wars The Force Unleashed - Voice talent: Maris Brood, Xena - Eve, Angel,
Joanna Cassidy - Bladerunner: Zhora, Boston Legal, Ghosts of Mars, Heroes, Six Feet Under
Glenn Morshower - Agent Aaron Pierce - 24, West Wing, CSI, Star Trek TNG, Voyager, Enterprise, and more.
Other artists include: Brian Denham, Kristian Donaldson, James O’Barr, Jaime Mendoza, Terry Parr, Andrew Mangum, Cat Staggs, Lawrence Reynolds and Space Gun Studios
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