Here is a new Spookytown promo image I recently did. Once again the book (a graphic novel I'm working on) has been sitting on the back burner due to many other things taking priority. 1. Baby coming. This means cleaning out the spare room, painting it, installing crown moulding and a chair rail, putting up shelving in the closet, etc. 2. Freelance work. Paying work comes before non-paying work, especially with the previously mentioned baby on the way. 3. Other comic projects. Right now I'm working on the last story I'm doing before Spookytown.
I keep getting lucky enough to receive offers to do stories in other books, and it's really hard to turn them down. I probably should've turned down this current but it was too cool. Recently, I've had to turn down a couple of nice ones. One from my man Samax at GhettoManga and one from Kevin at Ape Entertainment. I really, really, really wanted to do them both, but I just can't. Not if I want to have any chance to get Spookytown done. Comics are soooo time consuming.
I've been doing a lot of sketches in the past couple of weeks, just to get me back into the groove of drawing the characters. It helps me get pumped up for the story again drawing these guys. So hopefully I can get back on track with it.